1. The first thing you need to do is to get into ‘stand up’ position so that the acid goes down. Drink a full glass of cool water to dilute the acidity.
2. Make a mixture of 1 tablespoon of baking soda with half glass of water and drink it. If you have high blood pressure, you better avoid it.
3. Drinking milk may feel nice and cool going down but it actually contains fats and proteins that cause stomach to secrete more acids that cause heartburn.
4. Chewing mints may feel soothing and cool but it actually aggravates the heartburn symptoms because it relaxes the valve between esophagus and stomach whose purpose is to keep the acid at bay. When the valve is relaxed, more acid seeps up that causes heartburn.
5. Heartburn is not always caused by more acid in stomach. It can be caused because of indigestion. You expedite the digestion process by pouring in more juice. Adding a teaspoon of vinegar in water and drinking it can expedite the digestion and alleviate heartburn.
6. Avoid sodas, caffeinated beverages, alcohol, garlic or citrus fruits before going to bed to lessen the chances of heartburn.
7. Banana acts like antacid to sooth heartburn.
If you have regular bouts of heartburn, consult your family physician.
(A public service message by Culligan Pakistan.)
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